How to Clean Makeup Brushes
How often should you clean your makeup brushes? An excellent question and one that we are asked frequently in emails and on social media. The answer is - probably more frequently than you think. 😬 The makeup brushes that we use every day come into contact with the oils from our skin, the products we dip them in, the bags and drawers where they are stored, and all of this can lead to bacterial buildup that we are then reapplying to our faces. Yuck!
Here are some helpful ways to know when it's time to wash your makeup brushes:
1) They start to look dirty and gross.
2) Your makeup isn't applying the same way it used to.
3) You're about to go on a trip (who wants to travel with dirty brushes?!)
4) You saw someone on social media washing theirs.
5) You can't remember the last time you washed them.
The goods news is it's so easy to wash makeup brushes! Especially if you are the lucky owner of an Essential Makeup Brush Set - all the brushes you need in 4 double-ended tools. We broke down how to clean makeup brushes below. Happy washing!
Step 1: Using mild soap and warm water, pump soap into the palm of your hand and wet your brush end.
Step 2: Dip the wet brush end into your palm and rotate it in a circular motion for 60 seconds.
Step 3: Once the brush is fully lathered, continue to rinse it under the running water.
Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until water runs clear.
Step 5: Dab wet brush end on paper towel so that it's not soaking wet and allow to air dry for a few hours (we recommend overnight!)