Marching into March!
Hello, beautiful! Welcome to March. We’ve been awaiting her arrival all winter long and, while spring hasn't officially sprung just yet, there are plenty of things to look forward to this month! So let's all take a minute focus on the good stuff.
We kick off the month with a very important day of recognition, International Women’s Day! 💪 March 8th is a beautiful day to admire and support ALL women, ALL over the world. If you’re stumped on how… maybe call a relative or a friend, shop women owned and/or operated businesses, donate to woman's charity, or simply if you are a woman, show yourself some self-care!
We then move to a pivotal point in the year, Daylight Saving time! ⏰ On March 13th, we spring forward by moving our clocks an hour ahead, gaining an extra hour of sunlight. True, we do lose an hour of sleep that Sunday and the days might feel a little wonky for a week or so, but we all know it is most definitely worth it to have longer days. We also have a few secrets up our sleeves that we can’t wait to share on how to prepare for that week. Stay tuned!
Next up, on March 17th we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. ☘️ While it's technically an Irish holiday, you definitely don't have to be Irish to participate. Wear something green, eat corn beef and cabbage, get together with some loved ones and grab a beer… There is no wrong way to celebrate and it's a fun way to break up the month.
For all you sports fans, March Madness ⛹️♀️ also returns this month for the first time in 2 years! (For sports fans, that’s like a decade!) Through April 5th, these bracket-heavy weeks are filled with fun, competition, and LOTS of basketball. For all of you non-sports fans, Woosh is whipping up a fun beauty bracket to participate in so keep your eyes peeled on social media and in your inbox.
Lastly, to end this uplifting month on the highest of high notes, on March 20th, we enter the first day of Spring, or Spring Solstice. Wherever you are, we hope it's a bright, sunny day and that you get to take a minute to congratulate yourself for getting through a long winter.
We hope this March breakdown gets you both excited and prepared for what March has to offer! That’s all for now. 🌺💜
Woosh Beauty