Beauty Tip: Turn Your Powder Into Creamy Coverage

Did you know there was a "correct" way to blend powders to ensure that you are getting the best, most natural coverage? Watch Tara use both cream concealers and the mineral foundation powders in the Fold Out Face full face palette to get the world's best coverage! (Tara used to be a liquid foundation wearer until she discovered the Fold Out Face!)
Start by moisturizing your skin, then use the lighter cream concealer to add coverage under your eyes, to your t-zone, and your chin. Use a little of the darker concealer to carve out your cheekbones and add dimension to your hairline (minimizes the appearance of the forehead.) Blend it out to give yourself beautiful contoured depth. Next, use a large fluffy brush (like our Blush & Blend Brush) and pick up a small amount of foundation powder and work it into your skin in a circular motion. You can always pick up more powder if you feel you need more. Be sure to work the powder into your skin for up to 30 seconds to allow it to emulsify and blend with your natural oils to become slightly creamy. Voila! Beautiful, natural coverage!
6 colors available