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Fold Out Face® Refillable Palettea photo of a fair-skinned model wearing beautiful, natural-looking makeup holding the Fold Out Face palette in shade #1 light

6 colors available

a photo of the silver Fold Out Face makeup palette with 13 cosmetics including 4 neutrally colored eyeshadows, 2 concealers, 2 contours, 2 blushes, 2 foundation powders and 1 shimmer powder curated for #1 lighta photo of a fair-skinned model wearing beautiful, natural-looking makeup holding the Fold Out Face palette in shade #1 light

6 colors available

custard concealer panModel applying custard concealer to undereye

12 colors available

milkshake light contour refill panmilkshake light contour applied to under eye cheekbone area to set makeup

3 colors available

brown sugar dark contour refill panbrown sugar contour applied to cheekbone with  brush

3 colors available

Bellini blush refill panmodel applying bellini to cheekbones

4 colors available

Fold Out® Shimmer RefillFold Out® Shimmer Refill

3 colors available

Malibu our #1-2 shade bronzer with shimmer in panBlonde model applying malibu bronzer on face with fluffy dual ended 4 in 1 secret brush to cheek bone

3 colors available

full size 30ml pre-face primer with hydrating makeup primerpre-face primer with hydrating makeup primer dab applies on skin with no color, just clear
Pre·Face™ Primer (29) Sale priceFrom $20