Did you hear the news? Our Spin-On® Lip Glosses now contain hyaluronic acid for plumper, super hydrated lips. No idea what hyaluronic acid is? Then allow us to fill you in…
Hyaluronic acid is talked about on an almost-daily basis in the beauty world. It’s all hyaluronic acid this and hyaluronic acid that. But does it actually deserve such high levels of praise or is it all talk and no action?
Well, unlike other gimmicky ingredients like caviar and gold dust (we can’t even!), hyaluronic acid totally lives up to its name. So much so that we’ve added it to our Spin-On® Lip Glosses to improve their texture and, more importantly, plump up the skin on your lips.
Here's everything you need to know about this hydrating, skincare powerhouse.
What Is Hyaluronic Acid?
Unlike many skincare acids that work by increasing cell turnover and exfoliating your skin, hyaluronic acid – let’s call it HA from now on, shall we? – is a gentler kind of acid that’s found naturally in the human body. It looks like a kind of clear, gel-like substance that doesn’t really do very much. But, on the contrary, this juice is powerful stuff. In fact, it’s crucial for lubricating your skin, joints, eyes and connective tissues ensuring they function as they should
It's also the main player in a group of skincare ingredients known as humectants. Humectants draw in water and lock it in. Kind of like a magnet or a bath sponge. Hyaluronic acid has been studied for years and many experts believe it could have the capacity to hold around 1,000 times is weight in water. Quite the claim, right?
How Does Hyaluronic Acid Benefit Your Skin?
The main reason HA is so popular and used in everything from moisturizers and facial serums through to eye creams and lip glosses is that it’s well tolerated by most skin types and is a hydrating superhero. The simple fact is, skin needs water in order to function properly and remain soft, supple and healthy. Without it, it’s just a shadow of its former self. When you’re young, your skin has HA coming out of its ears. However, as you age, your levels decrease rapidly (along with collagen and elastin, sigh!) and this is when dehydration, fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin start to take over.
It makes sense, therefore, to amp up your skincare routine with hyaluronic acid to replace all the stuff that’s disappeared. And the same goes for your lips. In fact, it’s arguably even more important to apply topical hyaluronic acid to your lips because the skin here is way thinner than the rest of your face. It also lacks sebaceous glands so it has a super hard time keeping itself soft and moisturized.
But HA is not just a one-trick pony. Hydration and plumping is its main MO, for sure, but it also has another string to its skin-loving bow. And that’s its ability to stop environmental damage from doing a number on your skin.
Hyaluronic acid, you see, contains antioxidant qualities which means it fights damaging free radicals that form in your skin when you subject it to too much sun or pollution. Extra bonus points for HA, right there.
Not All Hyaluronic Acid Is Created Equal
HA comes in many guises but the one we favor above all the rest is sodium hyaluronate. Sodium hyaluronate is a salt form of regular hyaluronic acid and, without getting too ‘science major’ on you, it has a much lower molecular weight. What does this mean? Well, the lower the weight, the better an ingredient is able to absorb into your skin. Which means more of all those delicious moisturizing, plumping and collagen-boosting benefits with very little effort on your behalf. It basically embodies our philosophy of working smarter, not harder!
And we are all over that.
Spin-On® Lip Gloss + Hyaluronic Acid = A Match Made In Heaven!
Our Spin-On® glosses have always been pretty amazing (even if we do say ourselves), but nothing is ever perfect. Well, Margot Robbie might be, but that’s a whole other debate!
In the beauty world, there’s always room for improvement, which is why we decided to make our lip glosses even more hydrating and plumping than ever. And it made perfect sense to turn to hyaluronic acid to help get us there. Non-irritating and a veritable superstar in the moisturizing department? No question.
If you missed the memo, we also added three new shades to the collection which you can check out, right here. Of course, all your favorites are still there (albeit with cute new names) but now you get to choose between eight. And if you can’t decide? Not a problem. We have them all on daily rotation so there'll be zero judgement from us.