WB: Summer is over and the kids (and you!!) are back at school. What's the transition like for you and your family?
MO: The transition is a little daunting at first since I'm "off" for the summer along with the kids. The band-aid gets ripped off and everyone is suddenly back at it. I take extended breaks from creating content for many of my freelance gigs during that time simply because it's difficult for me to focus :/ Yea, I have a touch of the ADHD. CAN YOU TELL? I go right back to work at preschool helping out with the littles and my kids launch immediately into soccer, lacrosse, piano, and religion.
WB: You took some pretty amazing trips this summer! Tell us about them...
MO: EEEE!!! I traveled a ton this summer! Both with and without the kids. First, in late June, I went to Seattle for a writer's retreat and it was my first time in the PNW. I fell completely in love at first sight. Then, my kids and I visited my aunt who lives on a private lake in the Adirondacks, then headed to spend some time with my parents. I lost my brother when I was 16, so now, as an only child, my kids are my parents only grandchildren which makes it very important for me to make sure they spend time together, even though we live 6 hours apart. After that trip with the kids, I spent a few solo days in Montauk. During this time I got the opportunity to work with WORTHY - a company that helps women sell their engagement rings after divorce. I sold my engagement ring and used some of the money to take dream trip back out west, by myself. So in mid-august I traveled from Portland, OR to the Oregon coast and then northeast to the Northern Cascade mountain range in Washington state. I spent a couple of days in the mountains and then headed west again for Anacortes, WA and boarded a ferry to the San Juan Islands which were INSANE. I finished off my trip in Seattle. It was amazing.
WB: What is your favorite thing about Fall? And anything exciting planned??
MO: Growing up in way-northern NY, 30 miles from Canada, I LIVE FOR the cold weather. My favorite thing about Fall is sweater weather, sitting on the sidelines at my daughter's soccer games and my son's lacrosse games, building fires in my chimney out back and hosting my annual Oktoberfest party for friends.
WB: You’re very funny. Who makes you laugh the most? MO: Other memers and my kids. Writing a meme isn't always as easy as it seems so I appreciate people whose minds work like mine. And there is nothing like a perfectly timed zinger from one of your kids to make you feel like you're doing something right!
WB: WB: You claim to not know much about makeup application, but we aren’t buying it; you always look great. Any tips for others who may also feel challenged in this area?
MO: I'm no spring chicken anymore. I turned 42 in May. I have two kids ( 9 and 12) who are constantly on the go which means so am I. I realized it was time to give myself a little something extra on the outward appearance front. I think most women are overwhelmed with where to even begin and they also don't want to spend the time and money on trying to figure it out which is why the Fold Out Face has been a freaking lifesaver for me!

WB: WB: What is your go-to look for Fall 2019? And how does your makeup routine change with the seasons?
MO: Since I work in a preschool, and then from home as a freelancer, I'm always keeping it really casual. Workout pants are good for getting down on the floor with the littles and since I'm the resident poopy-pants changer and we're dealing in paint and glue on the reg, I don't wear anything fancy. My hair is usually in a messy bun and makeup is definitely optional, although I've been known to pop on some light perfector from my Woosh palette and some blush and powder. Mascara if I'm feeling like J. Lo. :)